SHAKESPEARE pre-company
Mondays 4:15-5:45PM
Ages 10-13*
$749 + HST
Classes begin October19th, 2024 and run through May 4th, 2025
Check out our full calendar here!
*13-year-olds are welcome to join Shakespeare Company OR Shakespeare Pre-Company. If they choose to move up to Shakespeare Company, they will be the youngest in the class and as such, will very likely play smaller roles and act as a rehearsal stand-by, filling in, for rehearsal purposes, when students with larger roles are absent due to illness. If they choose to do the Pre-Company program, they will have the opportunity to play a larger role in a much more abridged production.
This class will make a true Shakespeare lover of every student. Students will be cast in and rehearse an abridged version of Shakespeare's Macbeth, directed by Shakespeare by the Sea's Associate Artistic Director, Drew Douris-O'Hara. This class will develop the voice, improve body awareness, and build confidence. Shakespeare Pre-Company prepares students to move up to the Company program at age 14. The show will be performed in conjunction with the Studio's end-of-year recital in May of 2025.
Registration for this program is now closed. It will re-open soon for the session beginning in the Fall of 2025. Add your email here to be notified when registration opens:
The expectation for the Shakespeare Pre-Company program is that students will give as much advance notice as possible for absences. Students are required to be available for final dress rehearsal & performance. If a student misses a significant number of classes, their role may need to be reduced in order to allow the class to proceed with rehearsals in their absence.
There is a $40 + HST Costume Fee billed in the Winter which covers costume use.
There is a $40 + HST Photo Fee billed in the Winter which covers photography for students participating in recital.
The show will be filmed on an iPhone and the footage will be made available at no cost.
Tickets to the final performance are $15 + fees + HST each.
Saturdays 10:35-11:35AM
Ages 10-13
$549 + HST
Classes begin October19th, 2024 and run through May 4th, 2025
Check out our full calendar here!
This class will teach acting, singing, and dance technique with an emphasis on the storytelling aspect of musical theatre. Students will work their vocal and dance technique through the lens of expressing intention and emotion, shaping not just singer-dancers but true triple-threat performers. Students will explore the musical theatre repertoire, learning about different composers and styles. The year culminates in a performance of musical theatre selections as part of our studio recital.
Registration for this program is now closed. It will re-open soon for the session beginning in the Fall of 2025. Add your email here to be notified when registration opens:
This is a 60 minute class which will cover singing, dancing, and acting. The class will perform 1 to 2 musical theatre numbers in the recital at the end of the year. Students will need to wear comfortable clothing and shoes they can move in to each rehearsal.
We want you to stay home if you don’t feel well. We will always work to be as flexible as possible in accommodating make-up classes for any student who stays home from class due to illness.
That being said, please try to let us know if you’re going to be away. Especially after we come back from the winter break in January, all teachers are starting to prepare the class for their various end-of-year performances. Consistent rehearsals are the best way to combat stage fright! Theatre really is a team sport, and having people on stage who have missed a lot of rehearsal is stressful for everyone involved. We don’t want our performances to be a stressful experience, we want them to be a fun and triumphant experience! So please try to let your teacher know what’s going on if you have to be away so they can make a plan to include your child in the performance in a way they can handle.
As such, if you have to miss more than three days of class, it will be up to the teacher’s discretion whether or not the student can still participate in the performance. Attendance at all dress rehearsals and performances is mandatory in order to participate in the recital.
There is a $40 + HST Costume Fee billed in the Winter which covers costume use.
There is a $40 + HST Photo Fee billed in the Winter which covers photography for students participating in recital.
The show will be filmed on an iPhone and the footage will be made available at no cost.
Tickets to the final performance are $15 + fees + HST each.